Having a healthy, beautiful smile is something we all aspire to have. Dr. Bauer and Carrington Dental welcome you, your children, your parents, and your grandparents to our family dentistry and general dentistry practice! Our fabulous doctor and well-trained, caring team are committed to giving you and yours the healthiest and loveliest smiles possible.
Family and General Dentistry Services
TEETH CLEANING | At your regular family dentistry and general dentistry appointments, we offer teeth cleaning procedures. This is one simple way you can keep your smile clean and fresh and maintain excellent dental health.
TOOTH-COLORED FILLINGS | At Carrington Dental Care, we use the amazing CEREC crown-in-a-day dental technology. We create lovely, durable, custom-made dental crowns right in our office while you wait. No more sending out the information to the lab and waiting for your crowns to return!
DENTAL CROWNS | At Carrington Dental Care, we use the amazing CEREC crown in a day dental technology. We create lovely, durable custom made dental crowns right in our office while you wait. No more sending out the information to the lab and waiting for your crowns to return.
GUM DISEASE TREATMENT | Our Carrington dentist, Dr. Jay Bauer and friendly team care about your dental health. Because gum disease is far more widespread than you may be aware of, we take great pains to make sure your gums are healthy and stay that way. As part of our family dentistry and general dentistry protocol, we give instruction on how you can keep your gums healthy.
HOME CARE INSTRUCTION | Your daily dental health care is the most important tool you have to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Because of this, we provide home care instruction for all of our family dentistry and general dentistry patients. Now you can make sure you’re able to take care of your teeth properly at home.
ROOT CANAL THERAPY | If you have a toothache or are in need of root canal therapy for any reason, we are prepared to ease your pain quickly and effectively. To ensure your good dental health, we are here to help alleviate pain and provide ways to avoid additional pain in the future!
DENTAL BONDING | If you have teeth that are chipped, broken, misshapen, too small, or have gaps between them, dental bonding could be an excellent fix. This is an easy procedure we do right in our office. Depending on the severity, bonding can sometimes be done in just one visit!
DENTAL SEDATION | If you have any dental anxiety, we offer dental sedation to any patient who wants to make their dental appointments more relaxed. Now your trip to the dentist doesn’t have to bring you any anxiety or worry!
Call today for a family dentistry and general dentistry dentist you can count on!